isn't it?

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Time flies. Waits for no men. It's wednesday already?? omg..I just wasted half my holidays. Wasted as in not doing my work!!sigh..I have assignment to be handed up on MOn, but I haven't started anything yet.ehmm..I did look up some info, but, yeah..haven't been practising for a week now. Olga's gonna kill me!! I told myself that I should start doing my work on mon, but look, what happen? I didn't do anything, yet. Went shopping on mon and tues. Bad bad gurl..I'm so addicted to shopping!! This is so bad!=( Back to work. I should really start doing my work cause I'm going to spend my weekend at my aunt's house. Promise to bring my laptop down this week, so, have to go! gosh..2days! To do my assignment. Yes, i'll do it!!wish me luck!


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