isn't it?

Friday, March 04, 2005

Malaysian Food

Last night, I went to a malaysian restaurant *kononnya* for malaysian food. No doubt the atmosphere was there, but, the food, was kinda bad. Probably it was just mine, well, I don't know. I ordered char kuey tiao, it was kinda badly fried, like black. I'm afraid if I take another bite, I would have cancer!gosh..The drink was okie, cuz I didn't order a very Malaysian drink!*grin grin*..After dinner, we *my friends and me* went over to college house. There, I met Khengying and Sheikyan!However, they were on their way out for movies!*sob sob*...but, we did manage to snap a picture!yay~will post it soon, cuz I still don't have my internet. Using my cousin's one..hehe..will have it on monday, I promise. Then I can start calling people!:) Ever since I came here, I suddenly realize how much I miss listening to my phone ringtone, cuz it never seems to ring!sad sad sad..Going out later with my cousin, hmmm..probably gonna buy some stuff..chiao!:)


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