isn't it?

Friday, September 30, 2005


Looking through all my previous post, I can't stop realizing that most of my posts were actually so childish, immature, and meaningless. I don't know what to write anymore..maybe next time, I should just go...

Today, I feel happy.
Today, I'm feeling sad?

I don't know anymore. Sometimes, life is just not that simple.

I so wanna blog about how I got bitched by family members, the whole "family politics", but no, I didn't. because...I'm afraid. So afraid...

I don't go around blogging about my fears, my insecurity, that I'm such a loner on the planet...

I wished I could do so, but...then again, I couldn't.

Buddies Bloggies

Ben Living in Transitions
Chai-Latte beloved Aunty in Pok-kai
Chin homebOy
CheeJin d Pharmacist
Evelyn Fellow Pianist
HueyWen in Oz Land
Jason Metrosexual Law Freak
Joanne Hommies
Junie Gorgeous Babe
KhengYing the Rabbit
Lionel Popo
Lisa Harpist Aunty
Livia marmar
Maymay Friend from Birth
Melanie mama
Nishy gorgor
Pearly taipo
PeifErn hazelnut's Dream
Shelley the Singersongwriter
Steffy Living in her Microsoft World
Stupidppl is Dead
Sookmeng SookieYaki
SzuYin the FilmScorrer
Veronica Yow the Princess
yEnny the pRoducer
Yolanda my Fellow Music Therapist