isn't it?

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Safe and Sound

After a day and a half of flying and of course, transits, I finally arrived in America, well, not just, like 2 days ago. I have no idea how on earth did I made it here. The thought of going back in winter, snap, gone, after the long journey.

Overall, besides those long hours, and a crappy middle seat, I'm thankful that I've arrived safely. No problems with the baggage!yippie~manage to check in 3 luggages! which weighed more than 90kg!phew...all the way straight to San Antonio. Everything else went on smoothly. I even got my starbucks in Dallas!

Upon arrival, I had Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!yummy...and of course another starbucks. Gosh..I'm so addicted to it! Got back to aunt's place, called mom, then went out, one whole day. So tired at the end of the day, went to bed at 10.30! Basically, I've been spending most of my time in the car with my cousin, driving around, picking up her brothers, and yeah, checking out apartments in Boston. Yes, still haven't got my apartment yet, but, looks like some good news are on the way.

Not a very exciting post, rather dull...but yeah, just to say hi, *HI* , and that I'm okay! surprisingly, I don't really miss home. I don't know why, no tears, no nothing when I left Malaysia...maybe, well, I don't know. The weather here? freaking hot..just like homw..guess that's why.Wait till I go to Boston.

p/s: getting my phone later. So will let you guys know my number soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girl...glad to know that you arrive safely. Enjoy yourself and do keep in touch ya.....
miss you sooo much....
luv ya.....=>

10:19 PM


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