isn't it?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Intimidate implies inducing fear or a sense of inferiority into another.....
Therefore, after yesterday's audition and today's harmony,ear, and arranging test, I felt intimidated by all these bright freshman, or transfering student. Do you have any idea how my heart pounds while I was sitting at the hallway waiting for my turn to be audited?? Listening to all these great people showing off their amazing jazz style of playing?? They are so passionate about their music, so inspired. Guess what when I finally enter the room, I told the lecturers that I know nothing about jazz music, and that's why I'm here to learn. They were really kind though...I think I suck at my playing, rhythmic wise...yeah, but they've been really kind. Trying to pull off that smile..trying so hard that even when I'm not facing them, I can feel that they are making an effort to do so!
Rite now, I'm just so happy that everything is over!and and and...I've got my new baby today!my apple laptop!It's the coolest, most gorgeous electronic gadgets that I ever own so far!!It's smooth.oooww...loving it!What should I name it?or she?maybe a He?...Don't worry,baby compaq, I'll still love you!


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