isn't it?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Deceived by the word, spring, after the snow storm on sunday. How can it be spring when 3 inches of snow fills the ground? How can a word so beautiful yet so cruel in reality? Where're the flowers? I don't see greens, just brown dead branches, lifeless.

Cold. Wind. Snow.

Such great combination of nature which can only be witnessed in late winter or early spring.

Snow falling from above in such high velocity that all at once it looks like an extremely long thread. Breathtaking. 8 hours later, the earth is filled with snow as thick as 3 inches or more.

Stepping out from the sanctuary for the first time of the day, I could not feel anything except numbness in the air. Everything was so calm and still, as if accepting the brutality and appreciating the beauty of snow. It was cold, and is still cold, will still be cold, for at least 2 more months.


I'm just glad that I'm here. In the snow.


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