isn't it?

Friday, January 20, 2006


After suffering from *blogaconstipation* for a month, I'm actually, finally posting something. Something....

Leaving without a word was how I ended my first sememster in Berklee, and so was how she left us. Year 2005 was a rather *bumpy* year. From Taylor's to Melbourne, and finally Berklee which is half way through the globe. So much time spent travelling, flying, learning new things, adapting to new environment, making new friends and maintaining the old ones. Despite the many changes, I thank God for guiding me through it all. Many of my friends wonder how on earth did I manage to adapt so well..Seriously, I don't know. I felt like I've been here forever. I had the same feelings while studying in Melbourne. Some how, I felt that all these changes had been drawing me away from God...excuses, excuses and excuses.

Now, a brand new year. I haven't put in much thought about the whole resolution thingi. The first time that came into my mind was to pray, read the bible and serve God. Let Him be my guide. After the death of the love ones, I felt the urge to be more caring towards those whom I love, my family and friends. Also, be a more responsible person.

After typing out this post, I realize I'm still suffering from blogaconstipation.


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