isn't it?

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Holidaying in Texas

I'm visiting my family in San Antonio, Texas for the long weekend! I never realize how much I missed my parents and my lovely brothers. Yes, I do think that they're lovely. Andrew is much taller than me now, to my surprise, Aaron and Adrian are both catching up too!! gosh..I have a feeling that by next summer, I'll be the shortest in the family!*sigh..*

Andrew, Aaron and I stayed up till 2 last night talking about...hmmpm..their mysterious love life. It was so funny. I can't stop laughing at the fact that how much my brothers have grown physically and mentally. They're now talking about the girls that they're interested in or the girls that are interested in them. now a days..So unbeliveable!! Here goes one of the funny conversation...

Andrew: so aaron, I heard that there's this girl who's interested in you. Who's she?
Aaron: hmm..she's fat and ugly.
*me laughing silently*...
Andrew: How did you find out that she likes you?
Aaron: The girls were doing some paper cutting stuff, and I wasn't in the class. So, the girl suddenly pop up with a phrase, *Aaron is so man*!!
*me laughing hysterically now..*
Andrew: Why did she say that you're man?
Aaron: Cuz I help her with her bandage once..

3 of us started laughing...

I miss not having my baby compaq!! I couldn't get the compose mode in my baby apple!!sigh..I miss windows!!

Pics from New York and Texas up soon!!


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