isn't it?

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Sometimes...Nature can be cruel

Weather report for last week. Rainy, rainy, and rainy! Every now and then, I looked out my window, all that I could see is rain, and a cloudy sky. How I missed the sunshine. It was still bright and warm last week. Half way through the week, the weather suddenly decided to change its mind, from sun to rain.

Last friday night, after movie, Ieva and I decided to walked back from Fenway because we have just missed the last train. Oh well, just a short 15 minutes walk, plus, each of us have our own umbrellas, so, how much worse can the weather do? oh boy, I underestimate nature's abilities!!!Half way through the way, my shoes were wet, I felt as if I was walking in a fish tank! By the time I reach my apartment, I was soak in rain water. Dragging myself up the four flags of stairs in such heavy attire! I was about to collapse when I reach my warm apartment.

However, everything seems to change again throughout the weekend. This morning, I was awaken by the bright sunshine. The weather seems to be fine, but I'm not. I'm still working hard on my essay, oh trust me, I'm working hard on it! Extension had been given, I have no excuse to no hand in a good essay. Therefore, I probably will not be able to sleep tonight. To be honest, I'm kinda thrill by the thought of not sleeping for the first time in Berklee. So far, I haven't been staying up late, I mean to do work. lOlz..I'll be free after Tuesday!So, till then!=)


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