isn't it?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Grace's burfday partay

So, did Grace celebrated her birthday all alone in the foreign land after all? Did Grace got a birthday cake? Well, this post is gonna tell you did Grace....

On the beautiful morning of the 6th of October, Grace got a call from the flower shop, telling her that there's a delivery on the way. So, Grace got really excited, cause she's getting flowers, from some mysterious person!wooohoo..butterflies in her stomach. After 30 mins, the guy from the flower shop called her up, saying that he is downstairs. Obviously, Grace can't wait, so she ran down that 4 flags of stairs, puzzled to find a hamper, instead of flowers!! Yes, peeps, it was a hamper, with cookies and chocolate! From who? Who else will send you food hamper besides your parents? duh..Disappointment, yet filled with love! My parents actually went online to order me a hamper. They were afraid that I'm not fat enough, hence trying to feed me with more sugar, more food!! I so should have taken a picture of myself when I received that gift. I was smiling to myself when I walked down the ever-posh Newbury Street, thinking that my parents send me a hamper!

So the day went on withouth anything really at all that special. The celebration began at 9pm. Four girls heading off to Cheesecake factory for a scumptous meal, and of course cheesecake. So, here comes birthday cake No. 1. A slice of strawberry cheesecake with candle. The highlight of the event will be singing *Happy Birthday* song in harmony!! The best birthday song I had ever heard. The girls sang me a variety of birthday song, in major key, in minor key..I actually find it pretty amusing. That's what you get when you attend music school. The present of the day, a boquet of daisy and a coffee maker, so that I won't be visiting starbucks that often!

The best is yet to come. I got home, and saw this mail lying down on the table downstairs. I was delighted. When I open the precious envelope, something flew out! Scared me off for a while. I stil haven't figure out what that is. Inside the envelope was two cards sent by charming chua! By the way, charming is his name, not an adjective to describe that chua is charming..lOlz. Thanks bro! The maple leaves are so pretty, they are sitting on my desk now!

Since my birthday fall on a thursday, so some of my friend couldn't make it to celebrate. Therefore, they decided to have a post-burfday partay for me, at my beautiful apartment! We had home-made tacco, well, not by me, but my friend. And a huge home-made chocolate cake!! eheh..There comes cake NO. 2. Then, highlight of the partay, Sammi came visiting! My dear cousin came to visit me, yes, again, this time with presents! Yes, presents.

So, by now, I guess most of my loyal readers are bored and tired with this long and dragging post. When is it gonna end? Soon..hang on!!

Where is cake No. 3? It's a variety of cakes from Mike's pastry! Yes, they have really delicious cheesecake! was so good!!

Basically, Grace's birthday weekend was pratically spent eating, shopping and watching tv. We are good girls, we stay at home and watch TV. lOlz..geezzz..I think I put on a few extra pounds at the end of the weekend, eating leftover pasta, pastries, and sushi!

It was definitely a great weekend. I totally forgot about work for a while. Now, I'll have to work extra hard. Have a paper due this friday! I haven't even started on it..Do pray for me!=)

p/s: additional belated gift, from Mr. Tyler -- caramel machiato from starbucks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha I like the part where the girls sang a birthday song in major and minor for ya..hahaha
well sounds like ur bday was really fun..what could be more fun than eat eat eat..hehe
all da best for ur paper!!

3:15 AM

Blogger Grace Tan said...

Got extention for paper!lucky me!!=) Don't have to hand it up till next mon!!woolalala...
The harmonized birthday song was so cool. I'll sing you one!when I get a chance to!!=)

1:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh wow! a whole sentence about your starbucks experience! lol :P meanie!

7:17 PM


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