isn't it?

Friday, June 24, 2005


5 more days, and off I go, back to Malaysia. Two weeks ago, I can't wait to go back. Now, I wish I could stay longer. There are so many places that I haven't been, so many restaurants that I haven't tried, so many people that I haven't yet meet..friends that I haven't got to know deep enough, haven't even found a home church *where I can serve*...All in a sudden, I'm going home.

For the past 2 weeks, I haven't been doing much things. I barely remember what I I getting older?! I basically wake up in the morning, get changed, and go out. My room is in such a mess, I can't be bother to make my bed, after all, it's a just a place for me to sleep..Had been hanging out with my cousins a lot lately, most of the time, see them everyday. I don't feel like blogging anymore..I'm too tired.

Eager to start off new in Boston, yet, reluctant to leave the *foundation* built in Melbourne over the past 4 months..Hardly can I hold my tears when Phoebe left..neither can I when I walked into the music con., the library, everywhere in Univ. All these things have already been part of routine. I knew that I'll be leaving Melbourne from the start, but, I didn't know that it'll be so hard...


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