isn't it?

Sunday, December 03, 2006



Memories are such powerful elements life.
We are who we are today because of what we have been through.
The bitter ones, the sweet ones, both, we carry with us throughout our life time.
No rewind, no pause, only play.
Tonight is one those nights,
I take a walk down memory lane.

*note: The snow is on it's way. Friends, stay warm.*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been rather strange here for this winter in the UK with average 8 - 10 C. The meteorologists said Britain was heading for its warmest autumn since 1730.

God, give me the snow!

You stay warm with you D&G shrug. Choose a fake one from Roberto Cavalli like V. Beckham if you are an animal activist(I doubt it) xxx

6:32 PM


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