isn't it?

Sunday, November 26, 2006


...from where I used to live.

I miss walking on the scenic path on a daily basis.
I never knew how lucky I was till I moved out.
The unevent sidewalks, the decorative christmas lighting, and how beautifully the red leaves hang against the red brick wall...
I always say to myself while I was still a newbury street resident that I would take a picture of that.
When I finally brought my camera out, the leaves were all gone.
Some time around October this year, I finally took a picture of it.

...from where I live now.

No more unevent sidewalks,
Instead of being surrounded by no more than four stories high townhouses,
I'm now being surrounded by sky scrappers, and a view facing the humongous christian science park from my apartment.

I still miss living on Newbury Street.
But, I guess I'm getting use to the new one.
Clinging on to the past is always easier than facing the future, or even living the present.

Grow up child.


some random cheki moments.

*Ask me what I want for christmas, and I would say --> tonnes and tonees of fujifilm instax mini! for my cheki*


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