isn't it?

Monday, December 11, 2006

Today, I broke the ms.i-don't-do-rice title and had one bowl of rice.
Last night, I had nightmares Julie cutting me off half way through my presentation.
Time is running out, yet, I'm not doing anything productive, really.
The weekend is over. It is officially Monday, 5.08am.
In three hours time, I have to get myself ready and out to the battlefield.
Part of me desperately want this week to end as soon as possible.
Yet, part of me don't.
I need a rollercoaster ride.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Someone once told me that it feels good to cry.
So I tried.
And, he wasn’t lying, cause it actually felt pretty damn good.

Sunday, December 03, 2006



Memories are such powerful elements life.
We are who we are today because of what we have been through.
The bitter ones, the sweet ones, both, we carry with us throughout our life time.
No rewind, no pause, only play.
Tonight is one those nights,
I take a walk down memory lane.

*note: The snow is on it's way. Friends, stay warm.*

Buddies Bloggies

Ben Living in Transitions
Chai-Latte beloved Aunty in Pok-kai
Chin homebOy
CheeJin d Pharmacist
Evelyn Fellow Pianist
HueyWen in Oz Land
Jason Metrosexual Law Freak
Joanne Hommies
Junie Gorgeous Babe
KhengYing the Rabbit
Lionel Popo
Lisa Harpist Aunty
Livia marmar
Maymay Friend from Birth
Melanie mama
Nishy gorgor
Pearly taipo
PeifErn hazelnut's Dream
Shelley the Singersongwriter
Steffy Living in her Microsoft World
Stupidppl is Dead
Sookmeng SookieYaki
SzuYin the FilmScorrer
Veronica Yow the Princess
yEnny the pRoducer
Yolanda my Fellow Music Therapist