isn't it?

Friday, November 23, 2007

The Thin Red Line

The thin red line is all that lies between Philia and Eros.
Philia refers to friendship love;
Eros refers to love between lovers.
A line so thin that sometimes you do not even realize that you have cross it.
Once you do, you put everything at risk.
You either gain a lover or you lose a friend.
Correct me if I am wrong.

To love or not? Tough call.
I thought I have made up my mind, yet every time you come close, I lost the courage and determination. The anger vanished. Instead, I just melt in your arms.

I wish the line was thicker and in the shade of bright red, with a danger sign stood right at the border, so visible, that I would not dare to cross it for I know the danger that lies ahead.

Right now, we are standing on the thin red line.
It is not thick enough to hold us both for long.
It will break.
When that happens, where will we fall?

I wish we were standing on solid ground, on either side.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoaa..never cross my mind u're a deep person, yes?^^

i wonder who dat "you" refers to..hmm...




ah well, *shrugs
i'm hungry la.

7:10 PM

Blogger Grace Tan said...


who's this by the way?

2:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sex [url=]choppy hairstyle pictures[/url]

2:27 PM


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