isn't it?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Ironically, I miss taking the one-hour train ride to Quincy College for Western Civilization II.

Since day one itself, I have always dreaded to attend this class. Not only because the time used for traveling, to and fro, takes up to approximately an hour and a half of my precious time, the teacher himself is so boring, and get drifted off into discussing about other irrelevant issues easily, such as the US politics, law cases, etc, which are interesting, but totally IRRELEVANT to the subject itself, and also because it is just one of those required classes that I have no desire for.

Today, again, it is Wednesday. The only difference is that I do not need to go for this particular class anymore. I feel lost. Taking the train at 5 every Monday and Wednesday has become my routine. I am so used to it already that it felt weird when I no longer follow this routine. Then again, the word, routine, sounds too restrictive, and of course boring. No doubt the Western Civilization at Quincy could be boring at times, most of the time, but the company was great. I met a couple of new friends, explore a new area, made the $1.25 train ride worth while, earned my 3 credits and discover the life saver gummy bears in the grocery store next door. Those gummy bears save the lives of dozing off students in class!

All in a sudden, I have so much free time in my hands. Do not be mistaken, I am not complaining. I am definitely enjoying this empty slot that used to be filled, from 5-10pm, every Monday and Wednesday.

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***Of Gummies and Quincy.***


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i miss those Mon. Wed. too.... gummy bears,starbucks, studyin' (actualyy making che-che)... . . .

Let's Do It Again!!!!!

.........just kidding bhahaha !!!

10:56 PM

Blogger Grace Tan said...

hmmm..I'm not so sure about the studyin part. But gummies and starbucks!No problem!Anytime buddy!

12:19 AM


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