isn't it?

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Summery Boston

Two months ago, someday in mid-May, I was on holidays. Right now, I'm in the midst of the final stage of summer semester. With final projects knocking on my door, exams, taking the train to Quincy college just to get 3 credits, and working in the two *most happening* places in Berklee, the library and media center. I can no longer wait for this pain to be over, to be on a flight again, maybe meeting a stranger somewhere on the street in Japan?..*dream on*...


I am aware at the fact that I complain all the time, which is really bad. I mean, wars are happening all over the world, disastrous events happen everyday, I should be thankful that I'm still alive, yet I'm always complaining. Why oh why? I try not to. Is it because I'm simply a human being? or because I just don't love enough? Am I just not a forgiving person, and is that why I'm always complaining? arrgggh...

I guess I'm just frustrated for not being able to help. or maybe, I'm just simply complainig.

Oh well oh well...Looking at the bright side.

Outtings on weekends, a stroll down newbury street, all the way to boston common, catching up on movies, music and books, enjoying an icy cool starbucks coffee, going to the gym when I'm in the mood to sweat, trying out new restaurants...and patiently waiting.
*One of my favourite qoute: Patience is a virtue. ~ Missy Ernie.* I only learn from the best. lOlz.
Boston, after all, is still beautiful, despite the heatwave and rain, that hit once in a while.

p/s: I'm ok.=)


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