isn't it?

Thursday, July 27, 2006


If I were to choose my favourite day of the week, referring in particular to this semester, it would definitely be Thursdays!
Well, why?
Thursday is the day when I have my favourite general education class, Art History 1, taught taught by another genius in the General Education department in Berklee.
Secondly, it is also the only class I have for the day. After 1pm, I'm a freeman! I could either choose to take a nap, hanging out and do nothing, catch up on my readings, or perhaps, on the more productive side, do some house chores?..
Oh..How I just love Thursdays.

On the other hand, Tuesdays, with Traditional Harmony and Counterpoint, plus, working for 4 hours in the Media Centre..the worst day! Don't even bother talking about it..

Monday?..not my best day either, all because of the Western Civilization in Quincy, otherwise...

Both Wednesdays and Fridays can sometimes be fun. Harmony class with Mr. Kress is always fun, then, after lunch, enter the hypnotizing ear training class! The only ear training class that I have taken so far that has a hypnotizing effect, I wonder how is that possible.

Then come the weekends, starting out at 7pm on Fridays, which runs through Saturdays and finally ends on Sundays evenings, which for the most part of this summer, has been tiring. Going out in the day and night, not getting enough sleep...but good times.

I miss those days when I can be not productive and yet not feel guilty about it --> HOLIDAYS!


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