isn't it?

Monday, April 24, 2006

Rain rain go away, come again another day...
Flu flu go away, don't come anytime soon!!!

All the overdoze of fruits, water, tea, honey vitamin C, and not forgetting to mention, medication, I'm finally recovering. Unfortunately, I've spread my sickness to a few friends..arrr..*ooopzz..sorry*.
Been coughing and blowing my nose off for the last few days. Due to overdoing these two activities, and way too hard, I actually found myself gaining some muscles at the abs!

I still haven’t figure out the exact reason that leads to this disastrous sequence of events. I guess my body was just too tired, and decided to give up on me on Wednesday morning. For 5 days, I couldn’t do anything but sleep and eat healthily. Food was tasteless, life was dull, forced to be anti-social and not do any work.

I’m glad that I’m finally recovering, thank God.

*tag-boarders**: thank you peeps!

It feels good to be healthy again!=)


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