isn't it?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Winter used to be unbearable till you came along.
The wind freezes my heart, my feet, my hands, my face, my ears, my everything, and your presence warm them, your hugs melt them, bringing them back to life again.

Finals week used to be unbearable till you came along.
Door to door 711 hotdog service at 5a.m in the morning, watching you cutting those pie charts and pasting them on to the poster board with your clumsy little fingers made me laugh. Knowing that I am not alone, my shoulder felt immensely lighter.

Most of all, my favorite part of the day is to fall asleep in your arms, and knowing that I will wake up the next morning, in your arms.

p/s: your store credit has been increased from $300 to $900. =))

Saturday, December 08, 2007


Sometimes, we tell lies to protect the people we love.
On other occasions, we do so to protect ourselves from being hurt.
Often, these “other occasions” appear more frequently than the “sometimes”.
I am ashamed. I fear. I simply could not.

I admire people who are honest. I appreciate honesty.

Towards the end of psychology class on Friday, Dr. Foster said something that I will always remember. Not just the words, also the emotions that were evoked.

“ I love my wife so much that I married her knowing that she will die….when she does, I will be heartbroken. I was ready to risk the chances of having a heartbreak, because I love her.”

Silence filled the room.

That statement was not necessary to justify the lecture. Yet, he did so, with such sincerity and honesty. It was truly beautiful.

Buddies Bloggies

Ben Living in Transitions
Chai-Latte beloved Aunty in Pok-kai
Chin homebOy
CheeJin d Pharmacist
Evelyn Fellow Pianist
HueyWen in Oz Land
Jason Metrosexual Law Freak
Joanne Hommies
Junie Gorgeous Babe
KhengYing the Rabbit
Lionel Popo
Lisa Harpist Aunty
Livia marmar
Maymay Friend from Birth
Melanie mama
Nishy gorgor
Pearly taipo
PeifErn hazelnut's Dream
Shelley the Singersongwriter
Steffy Living in her Microsoft World
Stupidppl is Dead
Sookmeng SookieYaki
SzuYin the FilmScorrer
Veronica Yow the Princess
yEnny the pRoducer
Yolanda my Fellow Music Therapist