isn't it?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Minority

I often think of myself as part of the majority. However, I came to realize that I am actually part of the minority. The minority that does not need to worry about working their way through college, that are able make their dreams come true, that have parents who are loving and supportive of whatever it is that they are doing, that do not need to worry about paying back loans as soon as they graduate, that are fed well, dress well and so on.

For all these, I thank my parents. Without their support, both financially and mentally, I would not have made it so far. So, thank you daddy and mommy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweet (=

we all are blessed, in some way or other. but some, more than others, in terms of opportunities and finances etc. thanks for making me remember how blessed i am tooo!

2:58 AM


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