September 11
Six years ago, I walked into my parents’ room just to find out that you’ve left us, then, and forever. Puzzled, I stood there, waiting for the reality to finally set in. I did not expect everything to end so soon, so quickly. I have so much to tell you, but I could no longer do it anymore, for you are now gone, forever and ever.
A year later, united 93 got hijacked and crashed into the word trade centre on the other side of the world. The 911 incident, the new black day in American history. Yet, in a small town on the other side of the world, you were still the centre of gravity.
In year 2000, you found peace, and were carried away to a better place, where there would be no pain, no tears, just laughter, and joy.
In year 2001, hundreds of lives were sacrificed for nothing, nothing but war in return.
Six year later, September 11, 2006, today, I walked out from my apartment, breathing in the fresh autumn air, I charged towards my first class of the semester. As professor Codding was reading the class a poem, I close my eyes and you came into my mind. You, and everything of you….
You have taught me that life is short, and is definitely worth fighting for.
I’ve learnt my lesson, but you will never be back.
I wish you would, but it is selfish of me to even think about it.
Once again, you’ve reminded me to fully embrace every bits of life. Doing my life, being my life, and most of all, loving my life. Thank you. =)