isn't it?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

What happens when... fall?

Yes, I fell hard on my arse right across from Little Italy. For the entire day, I was walking safely in puddles, on snow etc..but NOT ON ICE. arrrggggghhhh...So happen today is St. Patrick day, everyone was drunk, so, people falling down on ice, is actually quite common..but, the thing is, I did not even have a single drop of alcohol in my system!arrrrggghhhh.. fall, and the people with you are musicians?
In my case, I was out with Lionel and Livia, both musicians.
Lionel who was walking ahead with Livia turn over and said:
WOw, that was pretty LOUD!
Livia: ah..your mike's pastry!

The only non-musician in the group, Ms. HanBoonLi (biotech major in Buffalo):
Are you OKAY?
*Burst out laughing after that*

Pretty much, the whole scene was filled with laughter. No, i did not cry even though it hurt like hell. A fall per icy season, unavoidable!!!


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