isn't it?

Friday, January 14, 2005


Finally, i've completed one of my essays!yeah..well, its not that hard actually!=) Indeed, i am quite satisfied with it!Not too bad for a start!Now, i just need to work for my two other essays, study for TOEFL, SAT, and by next sat, i'll be so free! Oh wait, NO! I still need to apply for financial aid!hmmm..nearly forgot about it! Why not apply when everyone does the same thing?
*phew*..pwetty tired now after the so call *struggle* in completing my essay! I finally realize,well,its not that hard after all!uhuh..u just need to have some ideas, write them down, elaborate a little here and there, then just type it!=) Yes!got it!Alright, that's all for today,cuz,really,i am so tired, but not sleepy!hmmm...guess i am adjusting myself back to old subang time!Where the *8 gang* hangs out at Darulsalam or Rafi till 3am or sometimes 4am, then to ed's house..yak yak yak till morning!Those were the days!Well, fwens, we'll meet on the 27th! Even the thought of it thrills me!Yes,finally, the *8 gang* will reunite for the 1st time in !=)


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